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Personal Development

Meeting Management Tips

Tuba Tasneem

March 07, 2023

Read time : 06 mins

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Have A Specific Aim Participants Set Objectives Share An Agenda Be Prepared Be Creative Be Punctual Have a QNA Session


Meetings exist primarily to accomplish one goal: to complete a task. The personnel can be organised, plans can be made, and tasks can be planned effectively through meetings. However, meetings can occasionally be a waste of time, resources, and energy, especially if they are poorly planned and conducted.

To make a meeting productive, make sure you follow the management tips:

Have a Specific Aim

Meetings should only be scheduled if it has a specific goal. If not, you run the danger of making everyone’s time indecisive. You’ll probably emerge from the meeting in the same state you entered.

If you frequently have meetings planned but have nothing concrete to talk about, call a halt to the meeting. Although staff meetings help foster effective communication, you need to strike a balance between this goal and time spent doing beneficial things.


This is not to say that you should be particular about who you invite. Instead, you should ask yourself, “Does the meeting need all of these people there?”

People might be spending their time more effectively elsewhere if they weren’t attending meetings just for its sake.

Set Objectives

Before the meeting, you should decide what results you hope to get from it. You should then designate these items as meeting objectives once the meeting has been scheduled.

The specific topics you wish to cover at the meeting should emphasise your objectives, such as “Decide how we’re going to sell our new product.”

Share an Agenda

Writing and distributing an agenda before the meeting is crucial to efficient meeting management. This should contain the goals, so everyone attending the meeting knows what to expect.

Having an agenda helps focus clearly and stay on topic. Additionally, you can inform attendees of any necessary preparation by providing an agenda.

Realistic goals should be on your agenda; it makes no sense to have a long list of objectives if you only have 20 minutes to complete them.

The appointment of a facilitator for the meeting may also be advantageous. This way, if the discussion veers off subject, they can remind everyone of the agenda and bring it back up.

Be Prepared

This step comes after setting up and adhering to an agenda. Meetings should always be scheduled in advance, and all essential duties should be finished. This will not only help the meeting stay on schedule, but it will also demonstrate that you are responsible enough to prepare for it.

Make sure everyone else has ample time to plan and prepare as well. To allow workers enough time to prepare, try to distribute the agenda two days before the meeting. Make careful to include in employee schedules when planning so that you can still give them enough time to prepare, such as if an employee has off the day before the meeting.

Be Creative

Although having an agenda is crucial for keeping your meeting on schedule, it shouldn’t be so rigid that it prevents people from being creative or expressing their thoughts and opinions. Creativity should be present in a productive meeting.

Be Punctual

Effective meeting management includes being on time for meetings. If you arrive late, you can feel rushed and miss a crucial moment, which could impact the entire meeting. Being late also conveys a certain level of disrespect for everyone early. This step also includes wrapping up the meeting on schedule. Avoid rambling by talking about off-topic topics that aren’t on your agenda. It is a waste of time and resources, and it might make you think the meeting wasn’t very fruitful. Next time, offer yourself a more reasonable time frame if the meeting goes over because you didn’t have enough time to discuss your goals and agenda.  

Have a Question and Answer Session

Even though it frequently comes at the end of the meeting and doesn’t have much time to itself, this is just as crucial as the meeting itself.

All meetings should include Q&A sessions, but it’s crucial if you’re dealing with outside clients or individuals who aren’t part of your team. By holding these sessions, you actively involve attendees in the discussion and force them to consider what was stated and whether they got it completely.

People should be urged to ask inquiries. If you don’t mention asking questions, many people will frequently be reluctant to do so out of obligation.

Asking participants questions in advance is a helpful suggestion. You should explain the situation and then inquire about any questions they may have. This not only guarantees that you cover the pertinent subject and issues at the meeting, but you can also check at the conclusion to see if you were able to address everyone’s questions and concerns.

It’s crucial that you effectively and to the appropriate persons explain any following steps that are decided upon at the conclusion of the meeting. Everyone should be aware of what is expected of them after the meeting.

You should also follow up with the people who attended your meetings. Since everyone has a unique perspective on events, it’s possible that two participants in the same meeting could have completely different views of what transpired. To ensure that everyone is on the same page, you should ask whether they understand, then send a follow-up document outlining everything discussed.